How I got organized

Hi Friends!

This is a blogpost for every one of you who feels like there's just too little hours in the day. I'm one of you.

My life has always been quite hectic, stressful times here and there where I felt like everything was too much and other times where I felt like I had all the time in the world to sit down and do nothing. That's not the way to go though.

I've been thinking a little about money this past time, I wanted to find a way to get productive and one day maybe earn money while doing so. I wanted to use my time in order to become financially independent. AND ONLY IN QUARANTINE I REALIZED that I have all the time in the world to be productive.

So it doesn't matter if you're like me and want to use that time in order to get something out of it or if you just want to clean up your room once and not let it get messy again, THIS IS FOR YOU:


This is something I hear in every single YouTube video about productivity and I always felt like... it's just a stupid list. Once I was overwhelmed by all this mess around me and the mess in my head I started writing things down. I started a Bullet Journal, first, to only write my homework and school stuff in it but as time went on, it naturally progressed into a calendar with small tasks for every day. I loved collecting washi tape and I started collecting pens (which I'm not saying you should do) but it made me feel more motivated to keep my Bullet Journal up.

So in 12th grade I started my next Bullet Journal but this time, I added a few lists prior to my monthly spreads. I added a page about habits that I want to keep up, a page filled with quotes to keep me motivated and a page about finances (which, let me tell you, is useless if you're not earning your own money).

I also recommend doing a Bucket List and a list of things you want to save your money for (mine included a MacBook...and now look what I'm writing this blogpost on) and of course, a daily to-do list.

The point is that lists help you visualize things: the tasks you need and/or want to do in a day, the money you need to save to buy that thing you want, or the habits you want to form and how you've been keeping up with them.


Once you took your time and written down all the things you'd like to accomplish in a day, find out which of these things can be done in less than three minutes and which of these things are in the selfcare category: those are the things you want to put in a routine!

My selfcare category includes a skincare routine, yoga or a workout, having a clean room and sometimes writing in a journal (which I haven't done in a while).

All of those things can be done in just a few minutes, if you do them every day. I'll talk about my skincare in a different video but a workout can be done in seven minutes a day and short yoga practices can also be found on YouTube (you can see my favorite ones on my Instagram). Cleaning up - once you've deep cleaned your bedroom once, can also be done in a few minutes every day. Make your bed, put your clothes away and maybe also that mug from the tea you were drinking yesterday evening.

And there you go: all the small things done. But what about bigger projects like studying or writing a blogpost etc.?

Well there's two ways of doing that: You can tackle one big project all day long and see how far you get OR you divide all of your big tasks into smaller tasks and do a few of them each day.


The next step is to just work on all the things that need to be done soon. If it's difficult for you to sit down and start working, set yourself a ten minute timer and start working. Usually by then you are in a work flow and want to keep working and if that's not the case, tackle a different problem or take a break and try again after 15 minutes.


If you feel like you're just too anxious to do anything I want you to take a deep breath first. Start by doing something you enjoy. DO SOMETHING FOR YOU FIRST! It might be to talk to someone who you trust, it might be to distract yourself from your thoughts and maybe do a workout OR you start writing down your thoughts.

I believe writing down your worries and thoughts makes it seem less overwhelming. But don't just write down all the negativity in your head: after you've done that, think of something that will make you happy now. It might be a hot chocolate, a hug or a good workout. Maybe also start drawing something. IT'S YOUR OWN SPACE, nobody has to know what's in your journal.

My journal has helped me through a tough time too. I used wo be in a toxic relationship and my first entry was the first step towards me breaking up with that guy. It was an entry about things I would love to do more often, things that make me happy when I feel sad and things no one can take from me. More on that maybe in a different post one day.


I know that sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by all the things that are happening around you or all the things that are not happening around you or maybe by all the things that are going on in your head.

I want you to realize that when your surroundings and your "life" is clean, your thoughts get calmer too.

I hope I could give you a few tips on how to get more organized. Don't give up! You can do it too! If you have other tips, make sure to comment on this blogpost - let's help each other out!

It would be cool if you check out my social media pages:

Videos on my German gaming channel come out every Sunday at 6pm CET (Central European Time)
I'm also working on creating a second channel for English lifestyle videos.

Stay safe,


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